Bipedal SLIP


May 5th, 2013 MM - forked from "Walking SLIP" notebook
May 16th, 2013 MM - bughunting: comparison between "wrapped" (circular-invariant) and "original" model gives slightly different results - this must not be the case. [edit: solved - that was a tricky one!]
May 31th, 2013 MM - moved to server, added to SVN ... continued bughunting
June 4th, 2013 MM - fixed bug (finally?), found quasiperiodic circular walking solution
June 14th, 2013 MM - searched and analyzed some fixed points
June 27th, 2013 MM - started re-organization (for fixpoint mappings)
July 1st, 2013 MM - cleaned up notebook
July 10th, 2013 MM - continued preparations for mapping; introduced fixed energy solutions
July 11th, 2013 MM - hangling on the edge of stable solutions introduced July 12th, 2013 MM - continuation for changed alpha introduced


  • think again about splitting of "fixed params" and "variable params" (for mapping)
  • map fixpoints as a function of parameters!

Table of content

Step 1: initialize notebook
Step 2: find quasi-periodic solutions

2.1 definitions and shortcuts
2.2 compute periodic solution
2.3 visualize result
2.4 verify stability / instability

Step 3: automate fixpoint search

Step 3.1 finding the edge
Step 3.2 hangling along the edge

visualize selected solution

Step 4: continuation for different alpha
Step 5: New approach: "augment" Harti's solutions
General notes


This notebook implements the goals for analyzing the 3D walking gait.

Hypotheses are:

  • Asymmetry leads almost-always to walking in circles, however there is a set of asymmetric "straight-walking" solutions.
  • This property persists under (random) perturbations (-> test with uniform (not gaussian) noise!)
  • Walking in circles can be achieved using symmetric configuration but asymmetric noise magnitude.
  • These properties are also valid in non-SLIP models (e.g. constant-force leg function)


  • models.bslip

parameter layout

Model parameters have the following structure:

param .foot1 (1x3 array) location of foot 1 .foot2 (1x3 array) location of foot 2 .m (float) mass .g (1x3 array) vector of gravity .lp1 (4x float) list of leg parameters for leg 1 for SLIP: [l0, k, alpha, beta] (may be overwritten in derived models) .lp2 (4x float) list of leg parameters for leg 2

Step 1: initialize notebook

table of content

In [3]:
# Import libraries
from models import bslip
from models.bslip import ICeuklid_to_ICcircle, ICcircle_to_ICeuklid, circ2normal_param, new_stridefunction, vis_sim
from copy import deepcopy # e.g. for jacobian calculation
import mutils.misc as mi
import sys

#define functions
def new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, p_red):
    f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
    def innerfunction(IC_red):
        IC = ICe_to_ICc(IC_red, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'], l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
        return f(IC, p_red)[[0,1,3,4]]
    return innerfunction

# IC_circle: [y, vy, |v|, |l|, phiv]
def getEnergy(IC_circle, k1, m=80, l0=1):
    """ returns the energy of the given state (and with specified params). (the constant term mc**2  is neglected)

        IC_circle: the initial conditions in circular form
        k1 : leg stiffness of contact leg
        m : mass
        l0 : leg rest length

        E: the total energy of the system

    E_kin = m * .5 * IC_circle[2]**2
    E_pot = 9.81 * m * IC_circle[0]
    E_spring = .5 * k1 * (IC_circle[3] - l0)**2
    return E_kin + E_pot + E_spring

def ICe_to_ICc(ICr, E_des,  k1, m=80, l0=1):
    returns circular ICs with a fixed energy.

        ICr: the reduced circular ICs: [y, vy, |l|, vphi]
        E: the desired energy
        k1 : leg stiffness of contact leg
        m : mass
        l0 : leg rest length

        ICc: (circular) initial conditions
    ICc = zeros(5)
    ICc[[0,1,3,4]] = ICr
    # compute velocity magnitude separately
    vmag2 =  2 * (E_des - getEnergy(ICc, k1, m) ) / m
    if vmag2 >= 0:
        ICc[2] = sqrt(vmag2)
        raise ValueError("Velocity magnitude must be imaginary!")
    return ICc

def deltafun_E_base(ICe, p_red, p_base):
    """ returns the difference of the IC minus the final state """
    f = new_stridefunction(p_base)
    ICc = ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0], p_base['m'], l0 = p_base['lp1'][1])        
    return array(f(ICc, p_red))[[0,1,3,4]] - array(ICe)

def getPS(ICr, pred, pbase, E_des, maxStep=.1, debug=False, rcond=1e-7, maxnorm=5e-6, maxrep_inner=12,
    get_EV = False, h=1e-4):
    searches a periodic solution

        ICr [array (4)]: reduced initial conditions to start from: [y, vy, |l|, vphi]
        pred: reduced set of parameters
        pbase: base set of parameters

        (stable, ICp): stable is True if the solution is stable, and ICp give the periodic solution
        in circular coordinates (5x)

        RuntimeError: if too many iterations were necessary

    # set algorithm parameter
    stab_thresh = 1.002 # maximum value for largest EV such that solution is considered stable. # old: for num. accuracy
    stab_thresh = 1.00 # maximum value for largest EV such that solution is considered stable.

    all_norms = []

    deltafun_E = lambda x: deltafun_E_base(x, pred, pbase)
    IC_next_E = ICr.copy()
    n_bisect_max = 4
    nrep = 0
    # This is the Newton-Raphson algorithm (except that the inverse is replaced by a pseudo-inverse)
    r_norm = norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E)) #some high value
    while r_norm > maxnorm and nrep < maxrep_inner:
        J = mi.calcJacobian(deltafun_E, IC_next_E, h=h)
        # compute step (i.e. next IC). limit stepsize (only if start is too far away from convergence)
        delta0 =  - dot(pinv(J, rcond=rcond), deltafun_E(IC_next_E)).squeeze()
        if norm(delta0) > maxStep:
            delta0 = delta0 / norm(delta0) * maxStep
        # update position
        IC_next_E = IC_next_E + delta0
        nrep += 1
        r_norm_old = r_norm        
        r_norm = norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E))
        # check if norm decreased - else, do a bisection back to the original point
        if r_norm > r_norm_old:
            # error: distance INcreased instead of decreased!
            new_dsts = []
            smallest_idx = 0
            maxnorm_bs = r_norm
            sys.stdout.write('x(%1.2e)' % r_norm)
            for niter_bs in range(5):
                IC_next_E = IC_next_E - (.5)**(niter_bs + 1) * delta0
                new_dsts.append([IC_next_E.copy(), norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E))])
                if new_dsts[-1][1] < maxnorm_bs:
                    maxnorm_bs = new_dsts[-1][1]
                    smallest_idx = niter_bs
            IC_next_E = new_dsts[smallest_idx][0]
        #while r_norm > r_norm_old:
        #    n_bisect += 1
        #    IC_next_E = IC_next_E - (.5)**n_bisect * delta0
        #    r_norm = norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E))
        #    sys.stdout.write('x(%1.2e)' % r_norm)
        #    if n_bisect >= n_bisect_max:
        #        break

    if r_norm < maxnorm:
        print " success!",
        is_stable = True
        # compute stability!
        # old: take full state into account.
        #f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
        IC_circle = ICe_to_ICc(IC_next_E, E_des, pred[0], pbase['m'],l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
        #J = mi.calcJacobian(lambda x: f(x, p_red), IC_final)
        # new: take only energy-constant values into account
        f = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, pred)
        J = mi.calcJacobian(f, IC_next_E)
        #print "eigenvalues of Jacobian:"
        if max(abs(eig(J)[0])) > stab_thresh:
            is_stable = False
        if get_EV:
            return eig(J)[0], IC_circle
            return is_stable, IC_circle
        print "number of iterations exceeded - aborting"
        #print all_norms
        print "IC:", IC_next_E
        raise RuntimeError("Too many iterations!")

def getEig(sol):
    """ returns the eigenvalues of a pair of [icc, pr] """
    icc, pr = sol
    f = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, pr)
    J = mi.calcJacobian(f, icc[[0,1,3,4]])
    return eig(J)[0]

example usage

In [2]:
# start model with an almost circular-periodic, stable solution, and visualize the result
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.demo_p, bslip.demo_IC)
for rep in arange(20):
    _ = mdl.do_step()

fig = vis_sim(mdl)

Step 2: find quasi-periodic solutions

Table of content

2.1 definitions and shortcuts
2.2 compute periodic solution
2.3 visualize result
2.4 verify stability / instability

A quasi-periodic solution is a two-step solution that yields "circular walking".

We look at Take-off as Poincare-Section. A solution is quasi-periodic if at the first and last Poincare-Section

  1. CoM height is equal
  2. Vertical velocity is equal
  3. Velocity magnitude is equal
  4. Distance between CoM and foot position is equal
  5. The angle between CoM velocity and leg is equal (hint: use arctan2 to compute)

Note in energy-preserving models, conditions 1-4 have one redundant criterion.

Here, for periodic solutions in BSLIP, we need to restrict ourselves to a set of four variable parameters.

In a second step, we need to proof that an (n-4)-dimensional subspace of configurations yields solutions with the same final apex state.
This will be done by modifiying the "fixed" set of parameters and searching for a new periodic solution with the same characteristics.

Note that we can choose to add two additional criteria / constraints to have a set of six uniquely defined parameters, which are (conditions):

  1. same stride duration
  2. same walking radius (see below; besides, this is here equivalent to: same distance covered)

2.1: some definitions and shortcuts

table of content
to step 2

In [2]:
# select parameter set
pbase = bslip.demo_p
pbase['delta_beta'] = 0
p_red = bslip.demo_p_reduced

# deltafun: find zeros of this function -> this is a periodic solution!
# note: The jacobian is singular because of the energy neutrality
# (stridefunction has one eigenvalue of 1, in the delta-function this goes to 0)
def deltafun(IC):
    f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
    return array(f(IC, p_red)) - array(IC)

2.2: compute periodic solution

table of content
to step 2

Variant 1: with pseudo-inverse

NOTE you have to use the pseudo-inverse because the mapping contains the tangential direction of the trajectory. That is, there will be a corresponding eigenvalue of 0 which makes the inversion of the matrix impossible.
UPDATE actually, because we are looking for roots of the difference function "step(IC) - IC", this should be the case for the "energy-related" eigenvalue (which is 1).

In [ ]:

In [4]:
maxnorm = 1e-6
delta = 1
maxrep = 20 # maximum number of iterations

#IC_next = array([ 0.94962353,  0.40808309,  1.22425653,  0.96290436, -0.04888218]) # this is almost a periodic solution (instable?)
IC_next = array([ 0.92965291,  0.58244793,  1.33387061,  0.94291404, -0.03292294]) # this is another almost periodic solution

#scale proposed step size
# *NOTE* This is only to avoid divergence if you start far from the fixpoint.
# If you are close, this value *MUST* be 1 in order to converge reasonably fast
stepscale = 1.

nrep = 0

# This is the Newton-Raphson algorithm (except that the inverse is replaced by a pseudo-inverse)
while norm(deltafun(IC_next)) > maxnorm and nrep < maxrep:

    J = mi.calcJacobian(deltafun, IC_next)    
    # compute step (i.e. next IC). limit stepsize (only if start is too far away from convergence)
    IC_next = IC_next - stepscale * dot(pinv(J, rcond=1e-4), deltafun(IC_next)).squeeze()
    nrep += 1
    print "rep.", nrep, ": new IC:", IC_next
    r_norm = norm(deltafun(IC_next)) 
    print "norm (delta)", r_norm
    print "-" * 20

if r_norm < maxnorm:
    print "success!"
    # compute stability!
    f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
    J = mi.calcJacobian(lambda x: f(x, p_red), IC_next)
    print "eigenvalues of Jacobian:"
    print abs(eig(J)[0])

rep. 1 : new IC: [ 0.92987285  0.59037116  1.31881136  0.94266133 -0.11418925]
norm (delta) 0.00147864034875
rep. 2 : new IC: [ 0.93037403  0.5915074   1.3165244   0.94301836 -0.11462927]
norm (delta) 4.28811684417e-05
rep. 3 : new IC: [ 0.93038646  0.59152391  1.31649138  0.94302961 -0.11461866]
norm (delta) 2.43753238132e-08
eigenvalues of Jacobian:
[  1.00146500e+00   7.63671356e-01   7.63671356e-01   5.49860338e-05

Variant 2: without pseudo-inverse but fixed energy

In [8]:
maxnorm = 1e-6
delta = 1
maxrep = 20 # maximum number of iterations

IC_next_E = array([ 0.92965291,  0.58244793, 0.94291404, -0.03292294]) # velocity magnitude will be computed on the base of a fixed total energy
E_des = 816 # 816 J is what Harti uses in his 2006 Paper: "Compliant leg behavior explains ..."
#scale proposed step size
# *NOTE* This is only to avoid divergence if you start far from the fixpoint.
# If you are close, this value *MUST* be 1 in order to converge reasonably fast
#stepscale = 1.

def new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, p_red):
    f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
    def innerfunction(IC_red):
        IC = ICe_to_ICc(IC_red, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'], l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
        return f(IC, p_red)[[0,1,3,4]]
    return innerfunction

# IC_circle: [y, vy, |v|, |l|, phiv]
def deltafun_E(IC):
    """ returns the difference of the IC minus the final state """
    f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
    IC = ICe_to_ICc(IC, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'], l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
    return array(f(IC, p_red)) - array(IC)

In [ ]:
nrep = 0
# This is the Newton-Raphson algorithm (except that the inverse is replaced by a pseudo-inverse)
while norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E)) > maxnorm and nrep < maxrep:

    J = mi.calcJacobian(deltafun_E, IC_next_E)    
    # compute step (i.e. next IC). limit stepsize (only if start is too far away from convergence)
    IC_next_E = IC_next_E - stepscale * dot(pinv(J, rcond=1e-8), deltafun_E(IC_next_E)).squeeze()
    nrep += 1
    print "rep.", nrep, ": new IC:", IC_next_E
    r_norm = norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E)) 
    print "norm (delta)", r_norm
    print "-" * 20

if r_norm < maxnorm:
    print "success!"
    # compute stability!
    f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
    IC_final = ICe_to_ICc(IC_next_E, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'],l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])    
    J = mi.calcJacobian(lambda x: f(x, p_red), IC_final)
    print "eigenvalues of (full) Jacobian:"
    print abs(eig(J)[0])
    f2 = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, p_red)
    JE = mi.calcJacobian(f2, IC_next_E)
    print "eigs of (energy preserving) Jacobian:", abs(eig(JE)[0])
    print "energy of solution:", getEnergy(IC_final, p_red[0])
    print "number of iterations exceeded - aborting"
    raise RuntimeError("Too many iterations!")

In [5]:

In [5]:

2.3: visualize motion

table of content
to step 2

Create a regular walking model using the obtained periodic solution and visualize the motion

In [6]:
# convert to euklidean coordinates
ICp = ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC_next)

pmdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(circ2normal_param(pbase, p_red), ICp)

# compute "difference to periodicity"
snf = pmdl.state.copy()
snf[:3] -= pmdl.params['foot1']
ICfc = ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(snf)
print "difference to 'circular' periodicity:", IC_next - array(ICfc)

difference to 'circular' periodicity: [ 0.00435828  0.00266606  0.00546813  0.00512259  0.07346573]

2.4: Verify linearized maps...

table of content
to step 2

There are two interesting eigenvalues: one with magnitude 1, another one with magnitude 0. This is not surprising but expected: One (mag. 1) corresponds to the fact that there is an "adjacent" periodic solution for every energy within a given interval. The other one corresponds to disturbances tangent to the trajectory. These "disturbances" will not alter the intersection point at the next Poincare-section.

In [5]:
# make several steps
dst = array([0.001, .0015, 0, 0, 0, .005]) * 10 # disturbane
ICp = ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC_next)
print ICp
#print test_pars
#dstmdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(circ2normal_param(p0_sym, test_pars), ICp + dst)
dstmdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(circ2normal_param(pbase, p_red), ICp + dst)
for rep in range(24): #26):
    _ = dstmdl.do_step()
f = vis_sim(dstmdl)

for ts,td, fs, fd in zip(dstmdl.t_ss_seq, dstmdl.t_ds_seq, dstmdl.forces_ss_seq, dstmdl.forces_ds_seq):
    plot(ts, fs[:,1],'r')
    plot(ts, fs[:,4],'r--')
    plot(td, fd[:,1],'r')
    plot(td, fd[:,4],'r--')

[-0.15390219011850528, 0.93038645507661111, 0, 1.1683989547597593, 0.59152390965533563, -0.13450987704405534]

Step 3. Automate fixpoint serach

Step 3.1 finding the edge
Step 3.2 hangling along the edge
table of content

Approach to mapping:

requirements for algorithm:

  • because the pinv-variant of the algorithm can converge to several solutions, we must fix the energy (here: 816J, in line with [Geyer2006])!
  • can be interrupted and continued at any time - data are not lost! (-> also: store on disk!)
  • for each solution, store params and IC
  • idea: data storage: use a dict, with (alpha, k1, k2) as keys :D

approach (new):

  • "hangle on the edge"

Prepare the data for three figures:

  • 3D-plots, encoding the "radius" of the walking motion with color

Figure 1:

  • vertical axis: alpha (common)
  • horizontal axes: k1, k2

Figure 2:

  • vertical axis: k (common)
  • horizontal axes: alpha1, alpha2

Figure 3:

  • vertical axis: delta l0 (l0: fixed; k, alpha: symmetric; "symmetric" delta l0: l01 = l0 + delta, l02 = l0 - delta)
  • horizontal axes: alpha1, alpha2

Further required plots:

  • how does the radius depend on beta and l0?

adapted to fixed energy

In [10]:
# select parameter set
p_base = bslip.demo_p
p_base['delta_beta'] = 0
p_red = array(bslip.demo_p_reduced) # k1, k2, alpha(1&2), beta(1&2) [NOTE: beta2 += pbase"delta beta"]
E_des = 816 # 816 J is what Harti uses in his 2006 Paper: "Compliant leg behavior explains ..."

#scale proposed step size
# *NOTE* This is only to avoid divergence if you start far from the fixpoint.
# If you are close, this value *MUST* be 1 in order to converge reasonably fast
#stepscale = 1.

# this function calls the external variables "p_red" and "pbase"
# the roots of this function are periodic initial conditions!

In [573]:
hl = mio.mload('h_solutions_a67.0.list')

(array([  1.37673205e+04,   8.59396777e+03,   1.16937060e+00,
 array([ 0.91646331,  0.54760576,  1.25546893,  0.93001913, -0.15214264]))

Step 3.1: find the edge

step 3

In [606]:
# stage 1: find border! (assuming that initial FP is stable -> to check!)

pbase = bslip.demo_p
pbase['delta_beta'] = 0
p_red = bslip.demo_p_reduced

p_red = array(p_red)

p_red[2] = 63 * pi / 180.  # check these from harti
p_red[0] = 9000.
p_red[1] = 9000.

ICe = array([ 0.92965291,  0.58244793, 0.94291404, -0.03292294]) # reasonable starting point: alpha=67
ICe = array([ 0.91046189,  0.54707628, 0.93084559, -0.15405735])

In [607]:
p_solutions = [] # list of  (pred, IC) which are 'circular' periodic solutions

is_stable = True
step_k_0 = 400.
min_step_k = 50.
step_k = step_k_0
while step_k > min_step_k:
    print "k1:", p_red[0], "  ",
    is_stable, IC_final = getPS(ICe, p_red, pbase, E_des)
    if not is_stable:
        print " unstable"
        p_red[0] -= step_k
        step_k = step_k / 2.
        print " reducing stepsize to ", step_k
        print " stable"
        p_solutions.append((p_red.copy(), IC_final.copy()))
        # update next starting point
        ICe = IC_final[[0,1,3,4]]
    #modify params!
    p_red[0] += step_k

k1: 9000.0   !!...  success!  stable
k1: 9400.0   ..  success!  stable
k1: 9800.0   ..  success!  stable
k1: 10200.0   ..  success!  stable
k1: 10600.0   ..  success!  stable
k1: 11000.0   ..  success!  stable
k1: 11400.0   ...  success!  unstable
 reducing stepsize to  200.0
k1: 11200.0   ..  success!  unstable
 reducing stepsize to  100.0
k1: 11100.0   ..  success!  stable
k1: 11200.0   ..  success!  unstable
 reducing stepsize to  50.0

In [608]:
p_red[2] * 180 / pi


In [609]:
# calculate stability:
pr, IC = p_solutions[-1]
ICr = IC[[0,1,3,4]]
f = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, pr)
J = mi.calcJacobian(f, ICr)
print "eigenvalues of J:", abs(eig(J)[0])

eigenvalues of J: [  9.96989126e-01   9.96989126e-01   4.08225132e-05   3.25989661e-01]

Step 3.2 "hangling along the edge"

Step 3

  • calculate 4 points distributed around the current point clockwise
  • if one is unstable, and its successor is stable -> find point between (with specified accuracy)
  • if the last point is unstable and first point is stable -> take this pair

In [610]:
## NOW: found starting point ("edge")!
h_solutions = []
pr0, IC = p_solutions[-1]
ICe = IC[[0,1,3,4]]
E_des = 816 # 816 J is what Harti uses in his 2006 Paper: "Compliant leg behavior explains ..."

pr_new = pr0.copy()
facs_orig = ( [-1,1], [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1] )
facs = [x for x in facs_orig]
last_nrep = 2

In [691]:
#[abs(getEig(x[1:])) for x in adj_solutions]
#h_solutions = h_solutions[:-1]

this cell (below) can be run anytime - it just appends results.

This implies that in case something broke, you can manually try to fix it, and continue then with the simulation

In [657]:
step_k_border = 30.
niter = 60
#pr_new[:2] = array([11000, 6000])

# stage 1: compute up to four points

for borderpoint_nr in range(niter):
    print "=" * 20, " #", borderpoint_nr, "=" * 20
    fac_idx = roll(arange(4), - (last_nrep - 2))
    facs = [facs[idx] for idx in fac_idx]
    adj_solutions = []
    edge_found = False
    rep = 0
    edge = None # pair of fixpoints: (pred, ICc), (pred, ICc) [unstable | stable] 
    while edge == None  and rep < 4:
        pr_d = pr_new.copy()
        pr_d[0] += facs[rep][0] * step_k_border
        pr_d[1] += facs[rep][1] * step_k_border
        is_stable, ICp = getPS(ICe, pr_d, pbase, E_des)
        adj_solutions.append( (is_stable, ICp.copy(), pr_d.copy()) )
        rep += 1
        # can we break?
        if len(adj_solutions) > 1:
            if adj_solutions[-2][0] == False and adj_solutions[-1][0] == True:
                edge = [adj_solutions[-2][1:], adj_solutions[-1][1:]]
    # potentially the correct edge is "last -> first"?
    if rep==4 and edge is None:
        rep = 5
        if adj_solutions[-1][0] == False and adj_solutions[0][0] == True:
            edge = [adj_solutions[-1][1:], adj_solutions[0][1:]]
            raise RuntimeError("no valid edge detected ... very strange ...")
    # guessed solution: weighted average accoring to eigenvalue magnitudes
    w1 = max(abs(getEig(edge[0]))) - 1
    w2 = max(abs(getEig(edge[1]))) - 1
    fac = - w1 / (w2 - w1)
    if fac < 0:
        print "warning - factor < 0 !!!"
        fac = 0
    if fac > 1:
        print "warning - factor > 1 !!!"
        fac = 1
    # guess new point on the edge
    new_sol_interp = [edge[0][0] + fac * (edge[1][0] - edge[0][0]),
               edge[0][1] + fac * (edge[1][1] - edge[0][1])]

    # find periodic solution of that point
    icc, pr_new = new_sol_interp
    ICe = icc[[0,1,3,4]]
    # get periodic ICs to new point
    is_stable, ICp = getPS(ICe, pr_new, pbase, E_des)
    ICe = ICp[[0,1,3,4]]
    h_solutions.append( (array(pr_new), array(ICp) ))
    last_nrep = rep
    print "\n",

====================  # 0 ====================
.... success!..  success!..!!!!...!!! 
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-657-3d8c4a2a5e7c> in <module>()
     17         pr_d[0] += facs[rep][0] * step_k_border
     18         pr_d[1] += facs[rep][1] * step_k_border
---> 19         is_stable, ICp = getPS(ICe, pr_d, pbase, E_des)
     20         adj_solutions.append( (is_stable, ICp.copy(), pr_d.copy()) )
     21         rep += 1

<ipython-input-656-fcf5b972d6ce> in getPS(ICr, pred, pbase, E_des, maxStep, debug)
    115     else:
    116         print "number of iterations exceeded - aborting"
--> 117         raise RuntimeError("Too many iterations!")

RuntimeError: Too many iterations!
number of iterations exceeded - aborting

hotfix: run this after you ran the visualization

(only if you want to continue with the periodic solutions)

In [536]:
ICe = h_solutions[-1][1][[0,1,3,4]]
print ICe

 [ 0.86006068  0.60798824  0.86887835 -0.24770984]

In [673]:
print pr_new[2] * 180 / pi
pr_new2 = pr_new.copy()
pr_new2[0] = 10800
pr_new2[1] = 6200
is_stable, ICp_t = getPS(ICe, pr_new2, pbase, E_des, maxStep=.1, rcond=1e-2)

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-673-db44c8932b06> in <module>()
      3 pr_new2[0] = 10800
      4 pr_new2[1] = 6200
----> 5 is_stable, ICp_t = getPS(ICe, pr_new2, pbase, E_des, maxStep=.1, rcond=1e-2)

<ipython-input-670-881bbff874c2> in getPS(ICr, pred, pbase, E_des, maxStep, debug, rcond)
    120         print "number of iterations exceeded - aborting"
    121         print all_norms
--> 122         raise RuntimeError("Too many iterations!")

RuntimeError: Too many iterations!
number of iterations exceeded - aborting
[0.0086671127876578567, 0.005730947077795384, 0.0057248027052863061, 0.0057248007973507223, 0.0057248008270384468, 0.0057248008272125055, 0.0057248008272552421, 0.005724800826762565, 0.0057248008247095415, 0.0057248008247691032, 0.0057248008247504176, 0.0057248008250169692]

In [668]:
ICe_2 = ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, pr_new2[0])
vals = getEig([ICe_2, pr_new2])
print abs(vals)

[  1.01807347e+00   1.01807347e+00   4.67252780e-04   2.23507862e-01]

In [603]:
### store data from time to time
import as mio
fname = 'h_solutions_a%2.1f.list' % (pr0[2] * 180 / pi)
mio.msave(fname, h_solutions)
print "saved as ", fname

saved as  h_solutions_a65.0.list

visualize identified border

In [637]:
all_k1 = [x[0][0] for x in h_solutions]
all_k2 = [x[0][1] for x in h_solutions]
plot(all_k1, all_k2, 'rd--')
plot(all_k1[-1], all_k2[-1], 'bd')

(11100.0, 11900.0, 5500.0, 9000.0)

In [644]:

array([  1.00293288e+00,   1.00293288e+00,   3.67784930e-04,

In [60]:
#ICc = ICe_to_ICc(ICp, E_des, pr_d[0])
pr_d, ICp = p_solutions[-1]
f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
res = f(ICp, pr_d)
print res - ICp

[  1.11119891e-10   3.81563020e-09  -7.81881393e-08   1.39925960e-10

In [39]:
#print ICp
# adj_solutions

def printPer(sol):
    _, icc, pr = sol
    ice = icc[[0,1,3,4]]
    f = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, pr)
    print f(ice) - ice
def printEig(sol):
    _, icc, pr = sol
    f = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, pr)
    J = mi.calcJacobian(f, icc[[0,1,3,4]])
    print abs(eig(J)[0])

In [58]:


visualize selected solution

step 5

In [40]:
# select a solution
#pr, IC = p_solutios[1]
#pr_v, IC_v = h_solutions[-1]
#pr_v = pr_new2
#IC_v = ICe_to_ICc([ 0.87159907,  0.71271936,  0.89772377, -0.22796864], E_des, pr_v[0])

#IC_v = ICe_to_ICc([ 0.87116539,  0.63895586,  0.88974478, -0.19038532], E_des, pr_v[0])
p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 14000.
p_red[2] = 73. * pi / 180.
p_red[3] = 0.00
#IC0 = array([ 0.96972,  0.254,  1.15633538,  0.972, 0])
#IC0 = array([ 0.97,  0.2556976,  1.15633538,  0.9721, 0])
#IC0 = array([ 0.974,  0.1556976,  1.15633538,  0.9751, 0]) 
IC0 = array([0.9278323130603543, 0.34177055981459481, 1.1785275470101138, 0.93209238227003965, 0.0]) # for "B" periodic, very very marginally stable

#IC0 = array([0.97236992204999806, 0.18072413876424653, 1.0718924702189911, 0.97368293371122483, 0.0]) # for "C" with alpha = 76.5

pr_v = p_red
#pr_v[3] = .05
#IC_v = IC0.copy()
ICx = IC0.copy()
#ICx[0] -= .001
IC_v = ICe_to_ICc(ICx[[0,1,3,4]], E_des, pr_v[0])
print IC_v
pbase = p_base

#pr, IC = r_solutions[44]  # -7 and 44 are approximately the "symmetric" solutions; 10 and -25 are approximately opposite "9600 / 14500"
#pr, IC = new_a_solutions[-1]  # check the last solution if you can see why it failed

# create model
ICe_v = ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC_v)
mdl_v = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(circ2normal_param(pbase, pr_v), ICe_v)
mdl_v.ode.ODE_ATOL = 1e-11
mdl_v.ode.ODE_RTOL = 1e-12
mdl_v.ode.ODE_EVTTOL = 1e-12
# make first two steps for calculating walking radius
for rep in range(2):
    _ = mdl_v.do_step()
    l_v = norm(mdl_v.state[:3] - ICe_v[:3]) # this works *only* because the height is equal!
    phi0_v = arctan2(ICe_v[5], ICe_v[3])
    phiE_v = arctan2(mdl_v.state[5], mdl_v.state[3])
    deltaPhi_v = phiE_v - phi0_v
if abs(deltaPhi_v) < 1e-4:
    print "walking radius very large (probably > 10km)"
    print "walking radius [m]: ", l_v / (2. * sin(.5 * deltaPhi_v))
for rep in range(20):
        _ = mdl_v.do_step()
    except bslip.SimulationError:
f_v = vis_sim(mdl_v)

for ts_v,td_v, fs_v, fd_v in zip(mdl_v.t_ss_seq, mdl_v.t_ds_seq, mdl_v.forces_ss_seq, mdl_v.forces_ds_seq):
    plot(ts_v, fs_v[:,1],'r')
    plot(ts_v, fs_v[:,4],'r--')
    plot(td_v, fd_v[:,1],'r')
    plot(td_v, fd_v[:,4],'r--')

[ 0.92783231  0.34177056  1.17852757  0.93209238  0.        ]
walking radius very large (probably > 10km)

In [38]:
tmp = mdl_v.state.copy()
tmp[:3] -=mdl_v.params['foot1']
print ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(tmp)
IC0 = ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(tmp)

[0.9278323130603543, 0.34177055981459481, 1.1785275470101138, 0.93209238227003965, 0.0]

In [54]:
state_e = mdl_v.state.copy()
state_e[:3] -= mdl_v.params['foot1']
print getEnergy(ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(state_e), p_red[0])
ICc = array(ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(state_e))
print "periodicity:", deltafun_E_base(ICc[[0,1,3,4]], p_red, p_base)
print "IC (circular):", ICc

periodicity: [ 0.00038141  0.04473186  0.00050626  0.        ]
IC (circular): [ 0.91565104  0.32868231  1.17306637  0.91927874  0.        ]

In [28]:
print ICc

[0.97236992204999806, 0.18072413876424653, 1.0718924702189911, 0.97368293371122483, 0.0]

In [21]:
for rep in range(20):
    _ = mdl_v.do_step()

In [ ]:
f = bslip.vis_sim(mdl_v)
#f.axes[0].set_xlim(8.5, 9.5)

ICx = mdl_v.state.copy()
ICx[:3] -= mdl_v.params['foot1']
print ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(ICx)
print ICx

In [78]:

{'delta_beta': 0,
 'foot1': [8.7871401282742809, 1.6386891843467311e-13, -1.5156632559375918],
 'foot2': [8.4845327306494287, -5.5733195836182858e-14, -1.4589901094152073],
 'g': [0, -9.81, 0],
 'lp1': [20000.0, 1, 1.3264502315156903, 0.01],
 'lp2': [20000.0, 1, 1.3264502315156903, -0.01],
 'm': 80}

Stage 4: "continuation" of a circle towards higher alpha



  1. regularize h_solutions (roughly same distances - remove some points indices)
  2. for every solution

In [190]:
import as mio
## regularize h_solutions
## h-solutions (and r_solutions) are a list, with elements of this format: [pred, icc]
r_solutions = [h_solutions[1], ]
min_dk = 190. # minimal distance of k's
for sol in h_solutions[1:]:
    # is sol close to any parameter set already in r_solutions?
    is_close = False
    for rsol in r_solutions:
        if norm(rsol[0][:2] - sol[0][:2]) < min_dk:
            is_close = True
    if not is_close:

#r_solutions[0], r_solutions[1] = r_solutions[1], r_solutions[0]
r_solutions = r_solutions[:-2]
mio.msave('r_solutions_68.5.list', r_solutions)

NOTE - check the "asymmetry" of the "symmetric parameter" configurations!

  • are "asymmetric" solutions with symmetric parameters stable?
  • do "asymmetric" solutions with symmetric parameters walk in circles?

In [518]:
all_k1 = [x[0][0] for x in r_solutions]
all_k2 = [x[0][1] for x in r_solutions]
all_kr1 = [x[0][0] for x in new_a_solutions]
all_kr2 = [x[0][1] for x in new_a_solutions]

plot(all_k1, all_k2, 'rd-', label='alpha = 67.8')
plot(all_kr1, all_kr2, 'bd-', label='alpha = 67.6')
plot(all_k1[0], all_k2[0], 'go')
plot(all_kr1[5], all_kr2[5], 'mo',)

title('r_solutions (h_solutions, regularized distances ...')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x14b55e90>

In [514]:
steplength_k_da = 180. # change k by this amount perpendicular to circle!

new_alpha = 65.6 * pi / 180
new_a_solutions = []
sel_idx = 0

In [515]:
# insert last value to position #swapidx and remove last element
#swapidx = 5
#old_val = new_a_solutions[swapidx][:]
#new_a_solutions[swapidx] = new_a_solutions[-1]
#new_a_solutions = new_a_solutions[:-1]

In [520]:
steplength_k_da = 130. # 135. # change this if solution finding fails ...
max_sel_idx = len(r_solutions) # adapt this if you only want to go some steps ...
#max_sel_idx = 87 # adapt this if you only want to go some steps ...

# re-compute only a single value
sel_idx = 93
max_sel_idx = sel_idx + 1

print "current idx: ", sel_idx

current idx:  93

In [522]:
#while sel_idx < len(r_solutions):
#    pass

while sel_idx < max_sel_idx:
    print "=" * 20, " #", sel_idx + 1 , "/", len(r_solutions), "=" * 20
    pr_c = r_solutions[sel_idx][0]
    pr_new = pr_c.copy()
    ICc = r_solutions[sel_idx][1].copy()

    # interpolate between two values
    #ICc = .5 * (new_a_solutions[sel_idx - 1][1] + new_a_solutions[sel_idx + 1][1].copy())
    #pr_new[:2] = .5 * (new_a_solutions[sel_idx - 1][0][:2] + new_a_solutions[sel_idx + 1][0][:2])
    pr_new[2] = new_alpha
    #get solution for slightly changed alpha
    #is_stable, ICp = getPS(ICpx2[[0,1,3,4]], pr_new, pbase, E_des)
    is_stable, ICp = getPS(ICc[[0,1,3,4]], pr_new, pbase, E_des)
    # search direction in k1-k2-plane:
    kA1, kA2 = r_solutions[sel_idx][0][:2]
    kB1, kB2 = r_solutions[sel_idx -1][0][:2]    
    dk1 = kA1 - kB1
    dk2 = kA2 - kB2    
    ldk = sqrt(dk1**2 + dk2**2) 
    dk1 = dk1 / ldk * steplength_k_da
    dk2 = dk2 / ldk * steplength_k_da
    # adapt new position "perpendicular" to circle
    pr_newx = pr_new.copy()
    if is_stable: # new solution is stable? -> go out of circle
        pr_newx[0] -= dk2
        pr_newx[1] += dk1
        pr_newx[0] += dk2
        pr_newx[1] -= dk1
    # get periodic solution for new parameters
    _, ICpx = getPS(ICp[[0,1,3,4]], pr_newx, pbase, E_des)
    # get eigenvalues of jacobian of these solutions
    w1_all = abs(getEig([ICp, pr_new] ))
    w2_all = abs(getEig([ICpx, pr_newx] ))
    w1 = max(w1_all) - 1
    w2 = max(w2_all) - 1
    fac = - w1 / (w2 - w1)
    # limit factors and give warnings if extrapolation > 50% interval size
    if fac < -.75:
        print "warning - factor < -.75 !!! (", fac, ")"
        fac = -.75
    if fac > 1.75:
        print "warning - factor > 1.75 !!! (", fac, ")"
        fac = 1.75
    # guess new point on the edge where max(abs(eig)) == 1.0
    pr_intp = pr_new + fac * (pr_newx - pr_new)
    IC_intp = ICp + fac * (ICpx - ICp)
    _, ICpx2 = getPS(IC_intp[[0,1,3,4]], pr_intp, pbase, E_des)
    wx_all = abs(getEig([ICpx2, pr_intp] ))
    print "eigenvalues of new solution (mag.):", wx_all
    new_a_solutions.append([pr_intp, ICpx2])
    sel_idx += 1

====================  # 94 / 103 ====================
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-522-063a2e745513> in <module>()
     16     #get solution for slightly changed alpha
     17     #is_stable, ICp = getPS(ICpx2[[0,1,3,4]], pr_new, pbase, E_des)
---> 18     is_stable, ICp = getPS(ICc[[0,1,3,4]], pr_new, pbase, E_des)
     20     # search direction in k1-k2-plane:

<ipython-input-334-753b700cbc2e> in getPS(ICr, pred, pbase, E_des, maxStep, debug)
     99     else:
    100         print "number of iterations exceeded - aborting"
--> 101         raise RuntimeError("Too many iterations!")

RuntimeError: Too many iterations!
x(3.20e-06)number of iterations exceeded - aborting

In [302]:
print w0, w1, w2, max(wx_all) - 1
print fac
print pr_newx - pr_intp
print ICpx - IC_intp
print "eigs:", abs(getEig(r_solutions[45][::-1]))

0.00217479097253 0.0171725440807 0.00225500675734 -0.000293944350101
[ 24.99927448  10.74254297   0.           0.        ]
[ -3.71715681e-06  -9.28851905e-04  -1.29575607e-04   3.00028847e-05
eigs: [ 0.99930755  0.99930755  0.00113576  0.22639261]

In [299]:

[array([  1.45439759e+04,   1.24381670e+04,   1.18682389e+00,
 array([ 0.9272704 ,  0.47788051,  1.26684786,  0.94245334, -0.11527923])]

In [512]:
fname = 'r_solutions_%2.1f.list' % (new_alpha * 180. / pi)
mio.msave(fname, new_a_solutions)
print "saved new_a_solutions as ", fname

saved new_a_solutions as  r_solutions_65.8.list

In [513]:
# prepare for new round :)
r_solutions = new_a_solutions

In [116]:
plot(kA1, kA2, 'rd')
plot(kB1, kB2, 'gd')
dk1 = kA1 - kB1
dk2 = kA2 - kB2
new_k = [dk2, -dk1]
plot(kA1 + new_k[0], kA2 +  new_k[1], 'bd')
plot(pr_newx[0], pr_newx[1], 'm+')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x46813d0>]

Step 5: New approach: "augment" Harti's solutions


There are three selected solutions from Harti:
k = 14 kN/m, alpha= 69 $\deg$ (symmetric)
k = 14 kN/m, alpha= 73 $\deg$ (asymmetric)
k = 20 kN/m, alpha= 76 $\deg$ (flat force pattern - small area of stable configurations)

In [65]:
p_red = array(bslip.demo_p_reduced)
E_des = 816.
p_base = bslip.demo_p
p_base['delta_beta'] = 0

selection = 3

# periodic solution 1:
if selection == 1:
    p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 14000
    p_red[2] = 69. * pi / 180.
    p_red[3] = .05
    ## ?? IC0 = array([ 0.93358044,  0.43799566,  1.25842366,  0.94657333, -0.10969046]) # already periodic (?)
    IC0 = array([ 0.93358034,  0.43799844,  1.25842356,  0.94657321,  0.10969058]) # beta=.05
    #IC0 = array([ 0.93358039,  0.45195548,  1.26003517,  0.94679076,  0.21853576]) # beta=.1

elif selection == 2:
    # periodic solution 2:  (asymmetric stance phase)
    p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 14000
    p_red[2] = 72.5 * pi / 180.
    p_red[3] = 0.05
    #IC0 = array([ 0.92172543,  0.40671347 , 1.1950172,   0.92609043 , 0.  ]) # periodic for beta = 0, alpha=72.5
    IC0 = array([ 0.9308592,   0.3793116,   1.19155584,  0.9360028,   0.1597469 ]) # for beta=.05, alpha=72.5
    #IC0 = array([ 0.93011364,  0.39346135,  1.19332777,  0.93554008,  0.31541887]) # for beta=.1, alpha=72.5
    # periodic, for beta=0, alpha=73. very very marginally stable: |ev| = .992|.984 (step|stride):
    #IC0 = array([ 0.9278273,   0.34175418,  1.17852052 , 0.93208755 , 0.]) 
elif selection == 3:
    # periodic solution 3:
    p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 20000
    p_red[2] = 76.5 * pi / 180.
    p_red[3] = 0.1
    #p_red[3] = 0.0
    #IC0 = array([ 0.96030477,  0.30256976,  1.15633538,  0.985058303, -0.11240564])
    #IC0 = array([ 0.97043906,  0.29739433,  1.0840199,   0.97280541,  0.        ]) # for beta=0; not really periodic (2e-4)
    IC0 = array([ 0.97236992, 0.18072418,  1.0718928,   0.97368293,  0.        ]) # for beta=0, alpha=76.5
    IC0 = array([ 0.97236992,  0.17616847,  1.07200705,  0.97370148,  0.22353624]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
    IC0 = array([ 0.97237007,  0.16336241,  1.07238146,  0.97376284,  0.44756444]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
    #IC0 = array([0.9709, 0.34167, 1.0855, 0.973732, 0.15846])
    #IC0 = array([ 0.97028136, 0.30045474,  1.08604313,  0.97290092, 0.16489379])
    #ICe = IC0[[0,1,3,4]]
    #[ 0.97029372  0.2972158   0.97289854  0.16536238]
    #ICe = array([ 0.97050506,  0.30422253,  0.97301987,  0.06965177])
    ##print ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0])

    raise NotImplementedError("No valid selection - select solution 1,2, or 3")
#ICe[1] -= .15
#ICe = ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0])

#IC0 = array(ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(bslip.demo_IC))
#print IC0[[0,1,3,4]]
#print ICe
#ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0])
#ICe = array([ 0.95630459 , 0.57246797 ,  0.96124696, -0.1443469 ])
ICe = IC0[[0,1,3,4]]
evs, IC = getPS(ICe, p_red, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-5, rcond=1e-7,  maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
print IC
print "max. ev:", max(abs(evs))

.. success! [ 0.97237007  0.16336241  1.07238146  0.97376284  0.44756444]
max. ev: 0.745017586802

In [63]:

{'delta_beta': 0,
 'foot1': [0, 0, 0],
 'foot2': [-1.5, 0, 0],
 'g': [0, -9.81, 0],
 'lp1': [13100, 1, 1.1955505376161157, -0.05],
 'lp2': [12900, 1, 1.1955505376161157, 0.1],
 'm': 80}

In [48]:


goto vis


In [255]:
print evs

[ -1.97807917e-04   3.08102275e-01   1.03120121e+00   3.70240196e-02]

In [37]:
IC0 = ICe_to_ICc( ICe, E_des, p_red[0])
print IC0
print p_red[0], p_red[2] * 180 / pi, p_red[3]
print p_base
print p_red

[ 0.97236992  0.18072418  1.07189324  0.97368293  0.        ]
20000.0 76.5 0.0
{'foot1': [0, 0, 0], 'foot2': [-1.5, 0, 0], 'g': [0, -9.81, 0], 'm': 80, 'lp2': [12900, 1, 1.1955505376161157, 0.1], 'lp1': [13100, 1, 1.1955505376161157, -0.05], 'delta_beta': 0}
[  2.00000000e+04   2.00000000e+04   1.33517688e+00   0.00000000e+00]

In [62]:
IC0 = IC
#print abs(evs)
#ICe = array([ 0.97028136 , 0.30045474 , 0.97290092 , 0.16489379])
#IC[ 0.97043906  0.29739433  1.0840199   0.97280541  0.        ]
#ICe = array(ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(state_e))[[0,1,3,4]] # from simulation
ICe = array(IC0)[[0,1,3,4]]
#ICe = array([ 0.96972,  0.254,  0.972, 0])
print "periodicity:", deltafun_E_base(ICe, p_red, p_base)

periodicity: [  4.44818626e-11   1.85234720e-08   3.63522545e-11   9.46263651e-09]


table of content

radius of a quasi-periodic solution

the radius of a quasi-periodic solution can be computed as

$r = \frac{\large l}{\large 2 \sin{(\Delta \varphi / 2)}}$,

where $l$ is the absolute distance between CoM at start and end of a stride, and $\Delta \varphi$ is the angle between initial and final CoM velocity in horizontal plane.

Story (elements)

  • Here, we are mostly interested in "functional" asymmetries of the leg - asymmetries that are not apparent like different leg lengths. These can be differences in the leg strength, here represented by different leg stiffnesses $k$, or differences in the leg swing policies, here represented by different angles of attack $\alpha$.

  • For completion, we also demonstrate that the "apparent" asymmetries like in leg length or lateral leg placement also yield circular walking behavior.

  • We investigated three different kind of periodic motions, as already found by Geyer: two different kind of symmetric motions, and an asymmetric motion. We selected three parameter sets similar to Geyer's A,B,C points, but changed them slightly towards configurations with increased stability.